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Welcome to the nutrientprofiler R package repository!

This package provides functions to help assess product information against the UK Nutrient Profiling Model (2004/5) and scope for HFSS legislation around product placement.

It is designed to provide low level functions that implement UK Nutrient Profiling Model scoring that can be applied across product datasets.


At present this R package is not available via CRAN. You can however install it direct from GitHub using remotes.



You can also specify a version of the nutrientprofiler package:



You can also download the package as an archive from GitHub and install from source using the following steps. The steps below show how to do this directly within R but you can also download an archive of the respository directly from the GitHub releases page.

# download the repository as a .tar.gz archive
# to your current directory
              dest = "./nutrientprofiler-v0.2.2.tar.gz")

# install the package directly from source
install.packages("./nutrientprofiler-v0.2.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")

Please see Getting started for an overview of how the nutrientprofiler package works.

To learn to prepare your data for analysis, please first see Preprocessing then Handling input data. For more details on valid data types for different parameters, see Parameter guide.

To learn the logic of the specific gravity adjustment workflow, see Specific Gravity, and to implement custom values for this adjustment, see the guidance in the article Custom Specific Gravity.


This document outlines a rough approach for local setup and contributing to this project.

Local setup

To work with this project locally you will need Git and R installed locally. It is also recommended that you install Docker and VSCode to enable you to utilise the devcontainer setup or edit the code directly via GitHub Codespaces.

If you’re unfamiliar with using git why not check out the fantastic Carpentries introductory course.

To get working on this project you will need the devtools package which you can install with the following R command:

# Install devtools from CRAN

Development workflow

When working locally you should use the following workflow to help develop the code:

  1. Create a fork of the GitHub repository to create your own personal copy of this repository to which you can push changes to
  2. Locally clone your fork so that you can start working on it
  3. Open an R session
  4. Load devtools with: R library(devtools)
  5. Make a change to the package files
  6. Test this in your R session by running load_all() to load the package (check here for any errors)
  7. Check your changes pass tests by running test()
  8. If your package passes the tests and you’ve updated the appropriate documentation you should now run check() locally to make sure all appropriate roxygen2 files are created/update and any functions you’ve now tagged with @export are exported to NAMESPACE
  9. Commit all the changes from the check() run and push these to GitHub
  10. Open a pull request against the main branch from your development branch. This will trigger a GitHub action that also runs the equivalent of check() to make sure you didn’t miss anything and ensure the package still works against different versions of R.
  11. Once the checks pass on the pull request your changes can be accepted by the maintainer.


The nutrientprofiler package provides functions to help assess product information against the UK Nutrient Profiling Model (2004/5) and scope for HFSS legislation around product placement. It is designed to provide low level functions that implement UK Nutrient Profiling Model scoring that can be applied across product datasets.

Copyright (C) 2024 University of Leeds

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License is supplied along with this program in the LICENSE file in the repository. You can also find the full text at

You can contact us by raising an issue on our GitHub repository ( - login required) or by emailing us at .