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The below table details the variable names expected in the input data set (Variable), the expected data type or a list of valid entried for each variable (Valid data entry), and whether the variable is required.

Note that entries in the Valid data entry column provided as a list of string entries must be included in the data file exactly as presented below (including case sensitivity).

The table below is a wide format and may not automatically adjust correctly to your screen size. Please use your arrow keys to scroll to the left and right to see all columns (including default values).

Variable Description Valid data entry Required field Default
"name" Product name for identity purposes. String format Optional
"brand" Product brand for identity purposes. String format Optional
"product_category" Enter one of the HFSS product placement legislation categories. One of:"Soft drink", "Savoury snack", "Breakfast cereals", "Confectionary", "Ices", "Cakes", "Sweet biscuits and bars", "Morning goods", "Desserts and puddings", "Yoghurts", "Pizza", "Potato products", "Ready meals and meal centres", "Other" Optional
"product_type" Used to determine NPM score threshold (1 for drinks, 4 for foods). One of:"Food", "Drink" Required Default is "Food", unless "Product category" == "Soft Drink"
"food_type" Used to assign specific gravity conversion calculation for food products sold by volume (rather than weight). One of:"Ice cream", "Ice lolly", "Mayonnaise", "Maple syrup", "Single cream", "Double cream", "Whipping cream" Optional If food type is not entered a 1:1 mlg specific gravity ratio will be assumed 1:1 specific gravity ratio will be assumed.
"drink_format" Used to determine if dilution calculation is required and for specific gravity conversion. One of:"Ready", "Cordial", "Powdered" Optional If drink_format is not entered drink will be assumed ready to drink and no dilution calculation will be carried out Default is "Ready to drink"
"drink_type" Used to assign specific gravity conversion calculation for drinks. One of:"Semi-skimmed milk", "Carbonated/juice drink", "Diet carbonated drink", "Energy drink", "Cordial/squash ready to drink", "Cordial/squash undiluted" Optional If drink type is not entered a 1:1 ml:g specific gravity ratio will be assumed 1:1 specific gravity ratio will be assumed.
"weight_g" Mass of product if solid.Used to determine if a specific gravity calculation is required.This should be the mass for which nutrition information is presented e.g. per 100g or per portion (enter portion size). Numeric Optional Only enter weight for solid foods with weight expressed in grams For powdered drinks enter weight of powder in grams for dilution and specific gravity conversion
"volume_ml" Volume of product if liquid.Enter volume for drinks and for food products expressed in volume terms (e.g. ice cream).Used for specific gravity conversion. Numeric Optional Only enter for drinks and foods expressed in volume terms (ml)
"volume_water_ml" Volume of water added for diluted products. Numeric Required for drink products of format cordial or powdered where nutrition information is not given for the product as consumed
"nutrition_info" Enter for drinks only.How nutrition info is presented (e.g. with dilution instructions). Used for specific gravity conversion. One of:"As consumed", "Preparation instructions given", "Preparation instructions not given" Required for drink products of format cordial or powdered. Not required for other product types. If "drink_format" == NULL, default is Diet carbonated drink (with specific gravity of 1.00).If "drink_format" == "Powdered drink" or "Cordial/squash", the default is "As consumed (diluted)"
"energy_measurement_kj" Energy content of the product (kj) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g. /100g or per portion). Numeric Required if energy_measurement_kcal given
"energy_measurement_kcal" Energy content of the product (kcal) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g. /100g or per portion). Numeric Required if energy_measurement_kj not given
"sugar_measurement_g" Sugar content of the product (g) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g./100g or per portion). Numeric Required
"satfat_measurement_g" Saturated fat content of the product (g) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g./100g or per portion). Numeric Required
"salt_measurement_g" Salt content of the product (g) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g./100g or per portion). Numeric Required if sodium_measurement_mg not given
"sodium_measurement_mg" Sodium content of the product (mg) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g. /100g or per portion). Numeric Required if alt_measurement_g not given
"fibre_measurement_nsp" Fibre content of the product (g) measured by the NSP method expressed per given weight/volume (e.g. /100g or per portion). If unsure whether fibre is NSP or AOAC assume AOAC and leave NSP blank. Numeric Required if fibre_measurement_aoac not given
"fibre_measurement_aoac" Fibre content of the product(g) measured by the AOAC method expressed per given weight/volume (e.g./100g or per portion). If unsure whether fibre is NSP or AOAC assume AOAC and leave NSP blank. Numeric Required if fibre. measurement_nsp not given
"protein_measurement_g" Protein content of the product (g) expressed per given weight/volume (e.g. /100g or per portion). Numeric Required
"fvn_measurement_percent" The percent of fruit, vegetables and nuts in the product (by weight) Numeric Required If the percentage of fruit vegetables and nuts is unknown enter ‘0’ (zero) 0 (zero)