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Input data is likely to be messy and to not contain the required column names for nutrientprofiler. This vignette provides some advice and guidelines on how to pre-process your data to allow analysis and assessment with nutrientprofiler.

You can see what parameters are expected in more detail in the Parameter guide documentation or the Example dataset reference. The order of parameters/columns in the loaded data do not matter.

Loading an example template

When possible, it is a good idea to ensure your data is in the required format before yourload it in to R. This can be achieved by using a template.

The nutrientprofiler package offers an example dataset, cdrcdrinks. This can be saved out as an example csv file and then edited and loaded with real data:

# Save an example csv file to your current working directory
write.csv(cdrcdrinks, "template_full.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Alternatively, just the headers can be saved, providing a blank csv file which can be opened in Excel or your editor of choice:

# Save an example csv file to your current working directory
write.csv(t(names(cdrcdrinks)), "template_headings.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Checking column names and renaming parameters

If raw data has been acquired with different column names than required, a reproducible workflow can be set up to rename these parameters as required.

The first step is to check the existing column names:

#> [1] "All required column names found. Proceed with analysis."

If the dataframe contains names as expected, you’ll get a message telling you to proceed with analysis, as with the example dataset above.

However, lets say we have loaded in a dataset from csv irregular_data that does not contain the exact columns required:

#> [1] "The provided dataframe is missing the following required column names:"
#> [1] "fvn_measurement_percent"
#> [1] "The provided dataframe contains these unmatched columns names:"
#> [1] "fruit_nutrition_percent"
#> [1] "irregular_data <- parameterRename(missing_column_name = 'fvn_measurement_percent', associated_data_column = '<INSERT DATA COLUMN NAME HERE>', data_frame = irregular_data)"

This provides you with the name of the column(s) that do not match an expected column name ("fruit_nutrition_percent" in this example), and provides you with a prompt to use the parameterRename() function.

You can copy this hint and replace <INSERT DATA COLUMN NAME HERE> with the data that matches the listed missing_column_name:

irregular_data <- parameterRename(missing_column_name = 'fvn_measurement_percent', associated_data_column = 'fruit_nutrition_percent', data_frame = irregular_data)
#> [1] "Replacing fruit_nutrition_percent with fvn_measurement_percent"

You can now check again if the required parameters are available.

#> [1] "All required column names found. Proceed with analysis."

Missing parameters

Some of the parameters are optional, but still need an allocated column in the input data table. This column can be simply filled with NA values. nutrientprofiler provides some simple functions to help achieve this quickly.

You can see if we run the inputDataCheck there are no returns for “unmatched columns”, suggesting that the data is missing as opposed to unlabelled:

#> [1] "The provided dataframe is missing the following required column names:"
#> [1] "brand"            "product_category"
#> [1] "The provided dataframe contains these unmatched columns names:"
#> character(0)
#> [1] "missing_data <- parameterRename(missing_column_name = 'brand', associated_data_column = '<INSERT DATA COLUMN NAME HERE>', data_frame = missing_data)"           
#> [2] "missing_data <- parameterRename(missing_column_name = 'product_category', associated_data_column = '<INSERT DATA COLUMN NAME HERE>', data_frame = missing_data)"

We can store the list of missing parameters by using the listMissingParameters function:

missing_params <- listMissingParameters(missing_data)

#> [1] "brand"            "product_category"

If we are happy that these are optional parameters that can be filled with NA values, we can pass this list (or a subset of it) to the fillMissingParameters function:

filled_data <- fillMissingParameters(missing_data, missing_params)

#>                  name product_type food_type drink_format
#> 1              lembas         Food                       
#> 2     zeno's icecream         Food Ice cream             
#> 3         mystic rush        Drink                  Ready
#> 4  delta ringer drink        Drink               Powdered
#> 5        welter water        Drink                Cordial
#> 6       janus's drink         Food                       
#> 7   beta ringer drink        Drink               Powdered
#> 8   zeta ringer drink        Drink               Powdered
#> 9   heavyweight water        Drink                Cordial
#> 10       bantam water        Drink                Cordial
#>                drink_type                     nutrition_info
#> 1                                                           
#> 2                                                           
#> 3  Carbonated/juice drink                                   
#> 4                             Preparation instructions given
#> 5                                                As consumed
#> 6                                                           
#> 7                                                As consumed
#> 8                         Preparation instructions not given
#> 9                             Preparation instructions given
#> 10                        Preparation instructions not given
#>    energy_measurement_kj energy_measurement_kcal sugar_measurement_g
#> 1                    266                      NA                  50
#> 2                     NA                      24                  21
#> 3                     NA                     194                  11
#> 4                    188                      NA                  15
#> 5                     NA                     205                  19
#> 6                     NA                      24                  21
#> 7                    188                      NA                  15
#> 8                    188                      NA                  15
#> 9                     NA                     205                  19
#> 10                    NA                     205                  19
#>    satfat_measurement_g salt_measurement_g sodium_measurement_mg
#> 1                     3                 NA                   0.6
#> 2                    11               0.08                    NA
#> 3                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 4                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 5                     0               0.10                    NA
#> 6                    11               0.08                    NA
#> 7                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 8                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 9                     0               0.10                    NA
#> 10                    0               0.10                    NA
#>    fibre_measurement_nsp fibre_measurement_aoac protein_measurement_g
#> 1                      3                     NA                   7.0
#> 2                     NA                    0.7                   3.5
#> 3                     NA                    0.0                   0.0
#> 4                     NA                    0.0                   0.5
#> 5                     NA                    0.0                   0.1
#> 6                     NA                    0.7                   3.5
#> 7                     NA                    0.0                   0.5
#> 8                     NA                    0.0                   0.5
#> 9                     NA                    0.0                   0.1
#> 10                    NA                    0.0                   0.1
#>    fvn_measurement_percent weight_g volume_ml volume_water_ml brand
#> 1                        0      100        NA              NA    NA
#> 2                        0       NA       100              NA    NA
#> 3                        0       NA       100              NA    NA
#> 4                        3       25        NA             100    NA
#> 5                        6       NA       100              NA    NA
#> 6                        0       NA       100              NA    NA
#> 7                        3       NA        50              NA    NA
#> 8                        3       25        NA              NA    NA
#> 9                        6       NA        20             100    NA
#> 10                       6       NA       100              NA    NA
#>    product_category
#> 1                NA
#> 2                NA
#> 3                NA
#> 4                NA
#> 5                NA
#> 6                NA
#> 7                NA
#> 8                NA
#> 9                NA
#> 10               NA

This then allows the data to be processed in bulk without triggerring errors related to missing data.

Data validity

Please see the article on Preprocessing input data to see advice on how to check whether parameters are valid and within the range expected, and to fix any typos in the dataset.

Missing data

Certain parameters are only required for certain product types, so we have included some functions to check if the necessary parameters are present for each specific product.

Find out what data is missing

report_table <- ReqParamCheck(incomplete_data)
#> [1] "Please note that the following parameters are optional and are not checked here:"
#> [1] "name"             "brand"            "product_category"
#> [1] "Please note that the following parameters have automatically applied defaults if missing and are not checked by this function:"
#> [1] "drink_format" "food_type"    "drink_type"  
#> [1] "If you wish to check the presence of these parameters and record when defaults are used,"
#> [1] "please see the `AutoDefaultParamCheck()` and `AutoDefaultParamNote()` functions"
#> [1] "Please see the `SaveReport()` function to output a csv version of this report table."

We can transpose and print this table to see how many rows are missing values for each parameter:

#>                         [,1]     
#> name                    NA       
#> brand                   NA       
#> product_category        NA       
#> product_type            integer,0
#> food_type               NA       
#> drink_format            NA       
#> drink_type              NA       
#> nutrition_info          integer,0
#> energy_measurement_kj   integer,0
#> energy_measurement_kcal NA       
#> sugar_measurement_g     integer,3
#> satfat_measurement_g    integer,0
#> salt_measurement_g      integer,0
#> sodium_measurement_mg   NA       
#> fibre_measurement_nsp   integer,0
#> fibre_measurement_aoac  NA       
#> protein_measurement_g   integer,0
#> fvn_measurement_percent integer,0
#> weight_g                integer,0
#> volume_ml               NA       
#> volume_water_ml         integer,0

In addition, there are certain parameters that have automatically assigned defaults if they are missing ("drink_format", "food_type", "drink_type"). You can also check if these parameters are missing using the AutoDefaultParamCheck() function. This adds the indices of rows missing these values to the report dataframe object:

report_table <- AutoDefaultParamCheck(incomplete_data, report_table)

These “automatic defaults” can be recorded in the dataframe of product data by using the AutoDefaultParamNote() function, in the default_params_used column:

incomplete_data <- AutoDefaultParamNote(incomplete_data, report_table)
#> [1] "Checking drink_format"
#> [1] "Checking food_type"
#> [1] "Checking drink_type"

#>                  name brand product_category product_type food_type
#> 1              lembas    NA               NA         Food          
#> 2     zeno's icecream    NA               NA         Food Ice cream
#> 3         mystic rush    NA               NA        Drink          
#> 4  delta ringer drink    NA               NA        Drink          
#> 5        welter water    NA               NA        Drink          
#> 6       janus's drink    NA               NA         Food          
#> 7   beta ringer drink    NA               NA        Drink          
#> 8   zeta ringer drink    NA               NA        Drink          
#> 9   heavyweight water    NA               NA        Drink          
#> 10       bantam water    NA               NA        Drink          
#>    drink_format             drink_type                     nutrition_info
#> 1                                                                        
#> 2                                                                        
#> 3         Ready Carbonated/juice drink                                   
#> 4      Powdered                            Preparation instructions given
#> 5       Cordial                                               As consumed
#> 6                                                                        
#> 7      Powdered                                               As consumed
#> 8      Powdered                        Preparation instructions not given
#> 9       Cordial                            Preparation instructions given
#> 10      Cordial                        Preparation instructions not given
#>    energy_measurement_kj energy_measurement_kcal sugar_measurement_g
#> 1                    266                      NA                    
#> 2                     NA                      24                    
#> 3                     NA                     194                  11
#> 4                    188                      NA                    
#> 5                     NA                     205                  19
#> 6                     NA                      24                  21
#> 7                    188                      NA                  15
#> 8                    188                      NA                  15
#> 9                     NA                     205                  19
#> 10                    NA                     205                  19
#>    satfat_measurement_g salt_measurement_g sodium_measurement_mg
#> 1                     3                 NA                   0.6
#> 2                    11               0.08                    NA
#> 3                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 4                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 5                     0               0.10                    NA
#> 6                    11               0.08                    NA
#> 7                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 8                     0                 NA                 100.0
#> 9                     0               0.10                    NA
#> 10                    0               0.10                    NA
#>    fibre_measurement_nsp fibre_measurement_aoac protein_measurement_g
#> 1                      3                     NA                   7.0
#> 2                     NA                    0.7                   3.5
#> 3                     NA                    0.0                   0.0
#> 4                     NA                    0.0                   0.5
#> 5                     NA                    0.0                   0.1
#> 6                     NA                    0.7                   3.5
#> 7                     NA                    0.0                   0.5
#> 8                     NA                    0.0                   0.5
#> 9                     NA                    0.0                   0.1
#> 10                    NA                    0.0                   0.1
#>    fvn_measurement_percent weight_g volume_ml volume_water_ml
#> 1                        0      100        NA              NA
#> 2                        0       NA       100              NA
#> 3                        0       NA       100              NA
#> 4                        3       25        NA             100
#> 5                        6       NA       100              NA
#> 6                        0       NA       100              NA
#> 7                        3       NA        50              NA
#> 8                        3       25        NA              NA
#> 9                        6       NA        20             100
#> 10                       6       NA       100              NA
#>    default_params_used
#> 1            food_type
#> 2                 <NA>
#> 3                 <NA>
#> 4           drink_type
#> 5           drink_type
#> 6            food_type
#> 7           drink_type
#> 8           drink_type
#> 9           drink_type
#> 10          drink_type

We can use the report generated by ReqParamCheck() and AutoDefaultParamCheck() to discover what parameters are missing in more detail. When we printed the transposed report table above (using t(report_table)), we saw that some parameters read NA - these are optional parameters that were not checked. Some parameters read integer, 0 meaning that these parameters were checked, and no data is missing from product entries where that parameter is required. Where data is missing, integer, NUM is repeated with a non-zero value in place of NUM, for example sugar_measurement_g reads integer, 3. You can interogate which product entries are missing data for sugar_measurement_g using the double bracket notation:

#> [1] 1 2 4

Fill missing data

We can enter data for sugar_measurement_g in products with the indices 1 2 4 using the ManualParamUpdate() function. This function takes the following arguments: data_frame, the product data.frame object being analysed, in this case incomplete_data; parameter_name - in this case "sugar_measurement_g"; index_list - these can be supplied manually or from the report as shown above; value - the value to set the parameter to for these rows. We are going to use an unrealistically high value of 100.0 in order to clearly see where this has been applied.

updated_data <- ManualParamUpdate(

Where values are required to be numeric, we can coerce the values to a numeric type:

updated_data$sugar_measurement_g <- as.numeric(updated_data$sugar_measurement_g)

We can see the updated sugar_measurement_g values in our dataframe, before and after the coercion:

# Update sugar values:
#>  [1] "100" "100" "11"  "100" "19"  "21"  "15"  "15"  "19"  "19"

updated_data$sugar_measurement_g <- as.numeric(updated_data$sugar_measurement_g)

# Record of where parameters have been manually edited/applied:
#>  [1] "sugar_measurement_g" "sugar_measurement_g" NA                   
#>  [4] "sugar_measurement_g" NA                    NA                   
#>  [7] NA                    NA                    NA                   
#> [10] NA

This updated dataframe can then be used in the analysis workflow examples given in this documentation:

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

updated_data_results <- updated_data %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate( sg = SGConverter(pick(everything()))) %>% 
  mutate(test = NPMScore(pick(everything()), sg_adjusted_label="sg")) %>% 
  unnest(test) %>% 
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(assess = NPMAssess(pick(everything()))) %>%
  unnest(assess) %>%
  select(everything(), energy_score, sugar_score, salt_score, fvn_score,
  protein_score, satfat_score, fibre_score, NPM_score, NPM_assessment)

Checking for incorrect data