Resources and reading

Accessibility Tools

These are just a small selection of the tools I use very regularly; many many more exist, and my choice of the following is purely personal preference.

Accessibility checks

  • WAVE: this web accessibility evaluation tool allows you to simply plug in a URL and see potential errors and issues. It’s also available as a browser plugin.
  • Chrome developer tools (also opened from Chrome with ctrl+shift+i): the mobile layout preview is particularly useful for checking any layout issues in your app. Similar tools exist for Firefox, I just haven’t used these for website/webapp testing.

Colour for data viz

Guides to using Quarto

While the Quarto documentation is fantastic, I found the following resources really useful when figuring out how to use Quarto as a basis for custom websites and static dashboards.

General UI/UX design articles

Other colour tools

Please note that good, accessible colour palettes for web design are not always going to be the same as good, accessible colour palettes for data visualisation!