Quarto customisation
web design
Taking a leaf out of Samantha Csik excellent book
Quarto and CSS
I’ve recently been working on a template for building consistent (in appearance) web apps across a range of R and Python frameworks over at “Better Basic Dashboards”. I stumbled across Sam Csik’s blog and lecture slides on customising Quarto with css and immediately noticed that she is also a Nunito font fan.
Her blog posts on adding a blog to your pre-existing quarto page (Csik 2022) and aforementioned lecture slides on customising Quarto with css were invaluable in setting up this website!
While the end result looks very different, it was really useful to be able to look through straightforward Quarto-specific scss code.
Csik, Samantha. 2022. “Adding a Blog to Your Existing Quarto Website.” October 24, 2022. https://samanthacsik.github.io/posts/2022-10-24-quarto-blogs/.